While hiring remote accountants can offer several benefits, including cost savings, access to top talent, and increased flexibility, it can also pose some unique challenges. Having a good relationship with the individual or firm that is managing your financials is crucial to keeping your books updated and accurate.  Here are some strategies and best practices for effectively managing remote accountants:

1. Over-communicate:

– Establish a positive work culture based on trust and communication.

– Be intentional and over-communicate both professionally and personally.

– Operate on objectives and results rather than virtual face-to-face time.

– Choose a team who you can trust so that you are not micromanaging them.

  1. Have a communication plan:

– Schedule regular catch-ups, virtual meetings, and check-ins.

– Find a communication tool that works best for both you and your accountant, be that email, text, or some other platform.

– Have an agreement with your team that you and they will respond in a timely manner to questions and requests.

  1. Automate Work with Technology:

– Leverage accounting software and tools to streamline processes.

– Automate repetitive tasks like data entry, invoicing, and expense tracking.

– Use cloud-based accounting software to assist in collaboration.

  1. Standardize Processes:

– Work together to ensure clear workflows and procedures.

– Document processes for consistency and efficiency.

– Clarify guidelines for accuracy and compliance that are mutually agreed upon.

  1. Create Focus for Team Members:

– Be sure you and your accountant have a clear understanding of the company’s goals and the accounting teams role in those.

– Hire an accountant or team that is invested in your success.

Remember that managing remote accountants requires collaboration, trust, and effective communication. By implementing these strategies, you can work seamlessly with your accountant to build your business on a firm foundation of timely and accurate financials.



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